PitchTravelWrite Blog

By Roy Stevenson

Greetings Writers!

Here's the latest news and posts about travel writing and how to market your travel stories ...

Jul 22, 2024

Facebook Tips for Travel Writers

Venice canal with laundry for Facebook

Here are some Facebook tips for travel writers who use social media to enhance their online image for editors and tourist agencies…

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Jun 17, 2024

Your Overseas Travel Itinerary: Making the Most of Your Trip

Travel Itinerary - 3 days in Singapore

Planning an overseas travel itinerary it critical. It will help you enjoy your destination more and focus on your assignments. Here's how to plan a good one...

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May 21, 2024

My Best Travel Assignments

War & Peace - scene1

What were my best travel assignments? Here are six trips in six different countries I'd happily take again (and again)...

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Apr 15, 2024

Travel Writer: A Day in the Life - on the road and in the office

Roy at his laptop on press trip in Arizona

A travel writer leads a varied life - here's a glimpse into a day in the life on the road and in the office.

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Apr 15, 2024

AI Travel Writing: Will Robots Replace Humans?

robot typing medium

Can AI travel writing replace human travel writing? I don't think so -- here's my take on why that won't happen anytime soon . . .

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Apr 14, 2024

Emily Corak: My Travel Writing Story

emily corak Charleston medium

Read Emily Corak’s inspirational travel writing success story and how she went from teacher to making money as a freelance travel writer . . .

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Mar 11, 2024

Breaking into Regional Magazines for Freelance Writers

7 Tips for Writing for Regional Magazines

Writing for regional magazines is a right of passage for travel writers. Here's advice for breaking into these magazines and resources to help you do it ...

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Feb 12, 2024

Your Professional Website: Why Freelance Writers Need One

professional website for travel writers graphic

Your professional website showcases your writing portfolio and your performance. All freelance writers need one - here's why...

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Jan 15, 2024

Guided Tours - What's Good About Them?

guided tours - tour bus to milford sound, new zealand

Guided tours have plenty of advantages for exploring a destination. Here's why you should always plan one into your travels ...

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Dec 18, 2023

Why "Practice Makes Perfect" is Terrible Advice for Travel Writing

practice makes perfect graphic

The idiom "Practice Makes Perfect" is terrible advice for travel writing (and everything else). Here's why ...

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Dec 17, 2023

The Big Bundle of 10 eBooks

Big Bundle Covers r1 medium

You can purchase The Big Bundle of all 10 of our eBooks here . . .

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Dec 04, 2023

Enhance Your Travel Writing Image Using Facebook

Travel Writing Image Bullet Points

Your travel writing image can be enhanced by using Facebook and other social media. Are you doing these eight things?

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Nov 19, 2023

Diane McLeish, Travel Writer Success Story

Diane McLeish at rail station

Diane McLeish from South Africa is our latest Travel Writing Success Story. Here's her story, in her own words . . .

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Nov 19, 2023

Travel Stories to Help You Find Your Niche

Travel stories come in all different packages. Find your niche by starting with some of the common themes.

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Nov 07, 2023

The Benefits of a Travel Writing Marketing Coach and Mentor

semara uluwatu resort in bali, indonesia

How can a travel writing marketing coach help you? If you're having trouble selling your travel stories, here are the benefits of hiring a mentor ...

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Oct 15, 2023

Guide to Successful Press Trips for Travel Writers

Successful Press Trip Invitations

This guide to successful press trips will help you earn trips to all sorts of places once you know what to do. Here's how ...

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Oct 15, 2023

Bianca Dumas Freelance Travel Writer

Bianca and husband St Louis

Introducing Bianca Dumas, another PitchTravelWrite.com Coaching Success Story. Here's her inspirational story, in her own words . . .

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Oct 02, 2023

Writing About Vehicles: An Overlooked Travel Writing Genre

writing about vehicles 7 tips to break into it

Writing about vehicles may not seem like a travel writing genres. But consider the many ways travel intersects with vehicles & you'll find many opportunities.

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Sep 17, 2023

Writing a Travel Story & Making It a Compelling Read

Travel Writers paint a vivid picture quote by Roy Stevenson

Turning your destination into a travel story requires some creativity. There's an art to doing this. Here are some travel writing tips to help you do it ...

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Sep 05, 2023

Top 4 Travel Writing Books for Pitching, Selling and Marketing Advice

Improve Your Writing Skills Before Pitching quote by Roy Stevenson

Travel writing books with good advice for pitching and marketing your travel stories are hard to find. Here are my top 4 picks ...

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Aug 21, 2023

Six Surprising Travel Writing Myths

travel writing myth and the reality

These six travel writing myths might surprise you if you're an aspiring travel writer. Don't let them fool you - they're far removed from reality.

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Aug 07, 2023

Travel Writing Craft Success: 10 Ways to Write Better

Roy Stevenson quote about telling a compelling story.

Your travel writing craft success is an ongoing process. Here are ten ways to write like a seasoned professional even if you're just starting out . . .

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Jul 23, 2023

Online Travel Writing & Marketing Master Class

Online Master Class Banner

The Online Travel Writing & Marketing Master class registration is now open. Learn how to sell your articles successfully and much more ...

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Jul 23, 2023

Press Trips for Travel Writers and Bloggers: How to Find Them

Press trips for travel writers graphic

Press trips for travel writers aren’t hard to find if you know where to look. Here are three places where you can find them …

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Jul 10, 2023

Marketing Yourself On the Road

Marketing yourself quote

Marketing yourself is the most important aspect of a freelance career. Here's how to do it while you're out of the office, on a press trip or on the road.

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Jun 26, 2023

Travel Writing Skills for Success

travel writing skills needed to succeed

There are 2 major travel writing skills for success. Do you know what they are? What are you doing to hone your skills and make sure you're successful?

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May 14, 2023

Travel Shows for Travel Writers

travel shows - opportunities for travel writers

Travel shows aren’t just for tourists - they’re for travel writers, too. Here’s how to network with exhibitors and land press trips and fam tours.

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Apr 30, 2023

90 Minute Coaching for Freelance Travel Writers

Roy at his laptop on press trip in Arizona

90-minute coaching sessions allow you to “pick my brain” and are customized to meet your specific needs, designed for freelance travel writers of all levels

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Apr 02, 2023

Writing for Expat Magazines

expat magazines infographic

Expat magazines are a travel-related genre to consider if you want to get published. It's an easy way for novices to break into travel writing. Here's how ...

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Mar 19, 2023

Query Letter Success : Strategies for Travel Writers

query letter success strategies

Query letter success depends on how you write your pitch and if it gets the attention of the editor. Here's the best strategy to use if you're a beginner ...

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Mar 06, 2023

Writing a Query Letter to Sell Your Articles

Query letters resource page cover (t2)

Writing a query letter is your sales pitch and how you convince editor to publish your article. Learn how to do it here …

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Feb 26, 2023

Fact Checking for Travel Writers

5 fact checking tips

Fact checking is one of the most important tasks for freelance travel writers. Here's why you want to make sure your facts are correct, and how it can make or break your travel story ...

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Feb 22, 2023

How to Get Published 90% of the Time and Make Money

links in the chain theory to get published and make money

To get published and make money from your writing there are six things you must do well - do you know what they are? Find out here ...

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Feb 15, 2023

Travel Writing Workshops - The Complete Package

Complete Package 2023 banner

You can attend our Travel Writing Workshops at a big discount when your purchase The Complete Package and attend both in Santa Fe, May, 2023. More here . . .

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Feb 15, 2023

2023 Marketing Master Class for Travel Writers

Marketing Master Class 2023 banner

Our 2023 Marketing Master Class for Travel Writers will be held in Santa Fe from May 24-26. More details here . . .

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Feb 15, 2023

Travel Writing and Photography Retreat 2023

Travel Writing Retreat 2023 Banner

Our 2023 Travel Writing and Photography Retreat will be held in Santa Fe from May 21 through May 24. Details here . . .

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Feb 06, 2023

Query Multiple Travel Story Ideas and Multiply Your Sales

multiple story ideas query

Presenting multiple travel story ideas in your query letter to editors often results in multiple sales – here’s how I do it and how you can do it, too

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Feb 05, 2023

Where to Pitch Travel Stories

Where to Pitch Travel Stories - where to find leads

Where to pitch travel stories is a difficult task for many writers. Here are 7 tips to help you find magazines and get your travel articles published.

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Jan 28, 2023

Writing Exceptional Ledes

Writing exceptional ledes

Writing exceptional ledes is an underutilized tool for travel writers. Here are 12 favorites and how to use them . . .

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Jan 28, 2023

Successful Travel Stories: 9 Questions to Ask Before You Pitch

successful travel stories graphic

You can write successful travel stories that editors want to buy if you screen your story ideas first. Here are nine questions to ask before you pitch ...

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Jan 28, 2023

Travel Writing Workshops in 2023

2022 Charleston class photo 475px

travel writing workshops interest list

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Jan 15, 2023

Creating a Sense of Place in Your Travel Articles

sense-of-place New Zealand lupines and mountains

Creating a sense of place is one of the key ways to get your reader involved and interested in reading your stories. Here are tips on how to do it...

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Jan 09, 2023

Getting Paid for Your Travel Stories

getting paid for travel stories - confirm these 3 things

Getting paid for your travel stories involves some business savvy and knowing what to do. Here's how ...

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Dec 11, 2022

Your Travel Writing Craft

Travel writing craft resource page cover

Hone your travel writing craft with these articles. From beginner's mistakes to writing like a seasoned professional, you'll find answers here . . .

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Dec 02, 2022

Improve Your Writing: Six Ways to Get Useful Feedback

Six tips to improve your writing

Improve your writing using these six techniques - they're free! And you don't have to take a class or join a writers group to use them! Learn more here . . .

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Nov 27, 2022

Travel Writing Secrets for Success

Developing your marketing platform quote by Roy Stevenson

What travel writing secrets will make you most successful? You might be surprised by the answer. Read this article to find out ...

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Nov 20, 2022

Launch Your Travel Writing Business Fast

launch your travel writing business fast - quote by Roy Stevenson

Launch your travel writing business quickly with these tips. Find out what you need and what you don't need to get started...

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Nov 06, 2022

Writing for Boating Magazines and Other Nautical Publications

writing for boating magazines - types of stories

Writing for boating magazines and other nautical publications is an easy market to break into. Here are type types of stories you can pitch and where to pitch them ...

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Oct 30, 2022

Seven Reasons Assignment Letters May Be Meaningless for Press Trips

assignment letters article - bothell landing bridge

Assignment letters from editors are often used to secure a seat on a press trip. Here are seven reasons letters of assignment may not be such a good thing …

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